Alright, alright, just one more vintage military bag and then I'm done, I swear. But c'mon, salt & pepper canvas, leather, 1940s-'70s? Too good. I've been saying backpacks are making a comeback for a while now, and not only for the riding-your-bike-to-work-crowd who don't want one of those huge one strap messengers with a cell phone pocket on the chest. I can even foresee finely dressed gentleman in expensive suits boarding the trains in NYC for their morning commute with a canvas and leather backpack thrown over their shoulders... BOTH shoulders! None of that 1991 one strap on one strap off crap. These Swiss rucksacks do it for me, and you can score yourself a version for about 50 bucks on surplus sites all over the interweb. Yeah, I said it, toss your messenger aside and get a bag with twice the straps for half the cash.
A couple "rubberized," waterproof versions...
Or you can pay triple at Sundance...