The "Farm Ruck Sack" from Makr is everything you need and nothing you don't. Canvas, leather, a few bits of metal here and there and simple design. Nothing new, but damn good. And for god's sake, add their blog to your morning reading list.
October 27, 2010
Shhhhhh... You Had Me At Ruck Sack
Crop Marks &

I See A Red Door
Isn't it nice when things are just done right? The "Paint It Black" by Sizemore Cycles is just one of those things. As ruggedly refined as it is perfectly patina'd, this one does it all -- like a street fighter with a Harvard law degree.
October 21, 2010
Jam With Them Jammers Blam With Them Blammers

October 20, 2010
... If You Can
Why is the sky blue? Where do babies come from? What is the best car chase ever captured on film? Questions as old as the internet itself, these are a few of the great mysteries the world may never know the answer to, but at least we can take a poll and get a general idea.

More of this...
October 19, 2010
You're Tearing Me Apart
C'mon, Christmas, C'mon! I'm a photography fan. I'm a JD fan. What's better than some original photography of Joy Division? Straight from the film fed through Kevin Cummins' camera which flashed on bridges in Manchester in the dead of winter in 1979, these prints are available to us in editions of 75. Not gonna lie, it scares me a little when the price isn't listed, but what do I care, that's what Christmas is for! By far the most stylish band of their time, these guys did it RIGHT. Always dressed up with nowhere to go.
October 18, 2010
Wild West
While we've been busy thinking Brixton was a hat company, they've been busy proving us wrong. From the people who've brought us plaid driver's caps and captain's hats, comes one of the best soft goods programs I've seen from them yet. West-Coast based, Brixton has managed to offer up classics with subtle twists which whisper "less is more, but a little more is enough." The pin-striped henley is one of my favorites with the Pirates-nod, double-ringer coming in a solid second. Don't let the lookbook fool you either, word on the street is that Brixton allows you to wear their clothes even if you don't ride a bike, skate, or play in a rock band.
October 13, 2010
For God's Seiks
Yup, that's right, Eric, another post on watches. A couple people have been asking me what I think the new "trend" in watches is going to be after military. Shit, I don't know. But I do know what I like. The Seiko SRP027 has some military genes in its aesthetic, but thats about it, they're more sport than anything. After the boom in mods, it seems Seiko took notice and started producing a few skus modeled after the custom pieces littering the watch forums. I didn't know about the black crown guard at first, but it's since grown on me. The contrast to the steel does something nice and balances the face. Anyway, by no means a trend, but certainly a nice little piece for the cash... around $250.
Also in blaque...
October 11, 2010
October 9, 2010
October 8, 2010
Light It Up
Straight from Lyon, France, Olivier makes vintage-inspired fixtures for the modern home. Taking antique hardware, new lines and old-world patience, the lights transcend the ages and land comfortably on your wall. You can order straight from Olivier's website and he will ship his handmade creations to your door. They're by no means "cheap," especially after the conversion rate going these days, but if you got it, perhaps a small price to pay for one-of-a-kind goods.