More of this, less of that, and a few other things thrown in. My life, what I see, what I do, what I like, and what I happen to take pictures of with my phone.
July 31, 2009
On The Street
Hufnagel Cycles
I'm in the market for a new bike. Well, truth be told, I'm kinda always in the market for new bikes. Speaking with my friend about road and single speeds, he tells me I have to check some guy out. That some guy, is Jordan Hufnagel. Jordan builds custom bikes out of Portland, OR, and he does it damn well. People doing what they want because the love what they do. Bottom line. Jordan sets an example we should all take serious note of.
Whether it's metal, papers and pens, a computer or vocabulary, go get your hands dirty and build something you're proud of.
From his bio:
"When he was old enough, Jordan stuffed two pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a broken music box into a satchel and hid himself in the cargo bay of a mail plane... A group of school children woke him and fed him apples and blackberries from their sack lunches. To show his gratitude, Jordan built them all bicycles. He has been in business ever since."
Above photos by HUFNAGEL and Jarod Souney for Level.
July 30, 2009
Show Me The Light
Nope, not for any reason at all. They just look good. Sucks, cause now these give me a new reason to waste some time on auction sites. Like I need a half dozen of these things hanging in my office, but after this post, I have a feeling I won't be alone. I know nothing about railroad lanterns, or lamps (just learned there was, in fact, a difference) but I do know these would look great coming out of a box after I ordered them on eBay from an old guy in Kentucky. Learn more about them here.
Having Way Too Much Fun
It just doesn't get much better than LA-based artists, Justin Krietemeyer and Steven Harrington. Can't really say too much here. Go to their sites, get lost in their work and most importantly, have fun doing it. Their creations are the perfect antidote to a slow Thursday morning. Catch their shows around the world and witness the wake of inspiration they leave behind them in the pop-culture waters. It's more than evident, it's blatant.
July 29, 2009
In The Spirit Of...
I have a problem with buying books, a lot of them. I buy them, look through them, then put them on my shelf, thinking I'll be able to use them at some point. Well, the problem is, I forget what I have. Case in point: After hanging out East, I come home, and a few days later I'm sitting watching TV and notice a book on my shelf. A book on The Hamptons. So, took it down, flipped through it, scanned some pages, put it back, and forgot about it. It's not new, and by now most of the images have probably made their way to you in some way or another. But just in case you missed it, or want to relive it, check out IN THE SPIRIT OF THE HAMPTONS. It's a nice piece.