The clouds have opened, my prayers have been answered, the Pacific has parted, and DEUS is coming to America. The people that brought us some of the classiest custom motorcycles, bicycles and clothing, are now offering up their fine assortment of play-things for the US's enjoyment. No more will the images of Lovers' Land be figments of imagination. No more will the jpgs on our desktops be the closest we come to touching a DEUS original. Oh, and it's all happening right here in my very own backyard. Well, Downtown LA, at least.
The fine men and women of Deus Ex Machina searched high and low for the ultimate home for their US headquarters, and found that home within the walls of Secret Service. As I type, hammers are swinging and walls are toppling over on Industrial Ave. SS is receiving a serious face lift, and the crowning jewel will be DEUS USA taking over the second floor of the shop. We can expect motorcycles, bicycles, clothing, surf boards and everything else we've come to love about our friends to the South. I have long since been a fan of Deus's aesthetic, their involvement with the EPIC Lovers' Land tour, and now my love is solidified with their partnering with Secret Service. The grapevine has revealed that the store could be up and motors running within the next couple months. I for one can't wait.
I was lucky enough to tag along and witness the first ever USA-built DEUS cycle being delivered a couple days ago, The Grievous Angel. Keeping with the DEUS ethos, the bike was built in a small one-car garage in Marina Del Rey. They found their surfing-mechanic-turned-good-friend like all mechanics should be found - through the vouching of one of their buddies. Just like that. Michael, or "Woolie," is an ex-racer who grew up next door to Mert Lawwill. If that's not an impressive enough resume of someone capable of building anyone's bike, I don't know what is. I heard the bike, smelled the bike, felt the bike, and I am in love with the bike. It's the perfect culmination of all my 2-wheeled fantasies, and all built by a guy who cares just as much about the heart and soul that goes into the bike as the final product itself. The way it should be. I'll take two.
I also stopped by Secret Service, forced myself past the armed guards, through the velvet ropes and up the stairs to see for myself. Yep, it's under construction but I can already see the DEUS stamp all over the walls. I had to be sneaky with my iPhone sniper shots, but was able to shoot a couple off and email them to myself before my phone was confiscated and subsequently destroyed. No, the pretty fine gentleman of SS were more than happy to run me over their sketches and plans of turning their great shop into the finest in LA. When's the opening party?
The only question I have now... do they need a shop rat to hang out after school, watch surf videos and ask redundant questions about engines? Cause I'm game.