June 29, 2010

Don't Take It For Granite

Hey, if I'm going to post about pots and or pans, they should at least be these, right? No? Whatever, it's my blog and I'll write what I want. I've never been one to explore the cooking utensil sections of thrift markets and eBay, but I've never really seen these Graniteware pieces either. Just in case the rug post a few weeks back and now this one has you worried that ATG is turning into the next Apartment Therapy, I'll write about guns or explosions later in the week to settle your nerves. Until then, buy some of these off eBay for your next camping trip.

Some non-marbled or splattered pieces just in case the Pollockness is too much for your aesthetic...

And check out this set. As if the film sets of RAD and Alice And Wonderland had a baby...